public golf courses mesa az


Membership Options

  • Equity Golf Memberships - SINGLE  $2,475 per person
    Includes unlimited golf during open play, unlimited use of the practice range, free use of range balls, seven day advanced registration for tee times, and preference for cart rental and or trail fee for personal golf cart, reduced guest golf rates, discount at Birdies Bar & Grill, full voting rights.

  • Equity Golf Memberships - COUPLE  $3,700 Per Couple
    Includes unlimited golf during open play, unlimited use of the practice range, free use of range balls, seven day advanced registration for tee times, and preference for cart rental and or trail fee for personal golf cart, reduced guest golf rates, discount at Birdies Bar & Grill, full voting rights.
    -Note: Certificate of Membership must be purchased prior to dues; one time buy of $1,000.00. 

  • Season Twilight Passes / Walking  $550 Per Person
    Twilight Walking Golf: $550 per person. Includes unlimited golf after 4:00 o’clock p.m. during open play. Perfect for the beginning and/or inexperienced golfer, who is looking for a pressure free, relaxed pace.

  • Season Twilight Passes /w Private Cart  $700 Per Person
    All the benefits of Twilight Walking including unlimited golf after 4:00 p.m. during open play, for those who wish to use their own cart.


Please call (480) 986-3158 or fill out online form below:

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